

Film scenes are dependent on sounds that create an unmistakable atmosphere, create moods, generate emotions and let the audience deeply immerse themselves in the story. We, the 4xSample beatboxing crew, have often been able to prove ourselves as professional noise makers

Previously, noises for film were made by hand Nowadays, most productions rely on sound databases. The result: everything sounds the same. We, on the other hand, produce organic noises with our mouths and can thus precisely adjust the sounds in terms of intensity and length.

Noises are needed always and everywhere. The art form of beatboxing unfolds its full potential here.

Videogames, Short films, Cinema commercials, Radio plays, Synchronous voices

Film music and songs generally transport emotions. With our music, we can provide the right mood for any situation. The combination of guitar and beatboxing gives the soundtrack its own unmistakable character.

Silent films, Theatre plays, Staged readings, Musicals, TV series

Sound examples

Soundtrack references

43 characters (German Theater), Cinema Mobile (silent film contest winner), Finland silent film festival, Symphony of a big city (Cite Université Heinrich Heinehaus Paris), Pete the Monkey Festival, Chirikure chirikure, La Bohème Bandbattle, Razzz the Beatbox Musical, Klasse Klasse mask beatboxing drama

Hörpol- Audioguide, Klee – Daniel Azhorn (puppet film), 15. Cologne Theater Night (trailer), Max & Moritz The Incredible Story of a Children’s Book (documentary on Arte), UNI Weimar (radio play term), KALTES LAND – (radio play SWR), Cargo Beatbox – (documentary France),
The notorious F.r.o.g. (short film ZDF Kultur)